ROTATIONAL OFFICERS (2 year term)    
* President Devin Wendel Mt. Abraham
* Vice President Derek Cipriano Spaulding
* Secretary Derek Dunning U32
* Past President Kim Maniery Mill River
* Treasurer Sean Farrell Middlebury
* Executive Director Jefferson Goodrich Essex
* NIAAA Liaison Geri Witalec BFA Fairfax
* Professional Development (LTC) Coordinator  Devin Wendel Mt Abraham
State Conference Coordinator Devin Wendel Mt Abraham
* Student-Leadership State Conference Coordinator Dave Miceli BBA
* Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Mike Jabour SBHS
Quaron Pinckney
    * Executive Committee Member
I.       President:
Preside over meetings
Appoint Committees
Contact person for the VPA and VSADA
II.      Vice President:      
Preside in absence of President
Coordinate balloting for State AD of the Year Award
Prepare/order awards for AD of the Year and Retiring AD’s
Order year-end awards for officers
Coordinate and purchase VSADA apparel orders
III.     Past President:                 
Chair of Nominating Committee
Present AD of the Year Award and year-end officers’ awards
IV.     Secretary:             
Take minutes at meetings
Send out Agenda and Minutes
Coordinate Agenda with President
Prepare budget proposal with treasurer
Order supplies
Send out follow-up correspondence
Send letters to VPA on votes taken by the Association
Coordinate with the President for Certificate of Merit

V.      Treasurer:             
Keep accurate financial records
Pay bills
Look into investment plans for surplus money
Prepare budget proposal with Secretary
Manage Coaching Education money from clinics
Membership Coordinator of existing and retired AD’s
VI.     NIAAA Liaison:     
Representative to NIAAA
May represent VSADA at Section I or National Meeting
Coordinate with Treasurer to pay National Dues
Solicit nominations and coordinate NIAAA Awards program
Inform membership of regional/national developments within the NIAAA.
VII.    LTC Coordinator: 
Facilitate education in the field of athletic administration.
Coordinate Leadership Training Courses within the state
Inform the membership about LTC opportunities
Keep apprised of changes and developments within the LTC program
VII.   Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee:     

Establish connection with NIAAA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Ad Hoc Committee
Review VSADA Constitution (policies and bylaws), election of officers process, and end of the year awards and recognition practices
Provide guidance, suggested plans, and feedback to the VSADA on their equity professional learning.
Provide guidance, and feedback to the VPA’s Activity Standards Committee on all equity related issues or concerns.
Continually review state rules and regulations around all education based activities (coaches, officials, policies, procedures, etc.) 

VIII.   VSADA Executive Director:     
Provide organizational direction.
Be involved with educational, financial, and public relations aspects of the Association.
Represent the Association at local, state, and national meetings and conferences, as well as the annual summer meetings.
Provide a detailed report at each membership and Executive Board meeting. 

The VSADA is the state professional organization for all high school and middle school athletic directors in Vermont. The organization provides services and opportunities for professional development and networking among it members.

Vermont State Athletic Directors Association

#3 MONTPELIER, VT  05602
Phone Number: (802) 229 - 0547